Saturday, January 11, 2014

A River Runs Through It...

I know we probably won't be complaining about rain when the garden is in full bloom...but for now, I would like to voice my disapproval for the consistent amount of rain that we have received in the last month.  I won't bore you with statistics on average rainfall and so on.  I just know that the farm is a big old sloppy mess!!

The chicken run is very squishy, except for the large area we covered with a few feet of leaves to keep the chickens from getting bored this winter.  (We cannot let them free range until spring when they will have more cover from hawks.)

The stable is located on the lower pasture.  It is at LEAST ankle deep in mud at the entrance and the first stall is just muck. Our decision to put the round bales on pallets in the rear part of the stable was a good one. So far we have managed to keep the hay from getting wet.

Amis trying to stay dry

Annie braving the rapids
As farm problems go, this is pretty minor.  We haven't lost any animals,  feed, or structures.  But on the misery scale, this is pretty high!

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