Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Time for starting plants!!

In addition to providing yummy vegetables and herbs from our garden, we also sell flower, herb and tomato plants.  All plants will be in 4” or 5“ pots planted with our own all natural potting mix. Most will be available in early to mid April. If you see something you want, shoot us an email or message  and we will make sure it is available for you.  We will be at the Woodstock Farmers Market beginning May 3 and we will also have all of these for sale on the Marietta Locally Grown site.  They can be picked up at East West Farm on market days.

Flowers:   ($3 each) All of our flowers are pollinator-friendly.  We use the same natural methods to grow our flowers as we do our vegetables.  We specialize in edible flowers, companion plants and flowers that attract and benefit pollinators. 

Nasturtium  - Empress of India—beautiful trailing plant with bright red edible flowers.   The leaves and flowers of nasturtium are edible, and have a tangy radish-like flavor.  It is also useful as a companion plant for tomatoes, beans, cucumbers and squash as a deterrent to squash bugs, beetles and aphids.

Marigold – Giant Orange and Red Marietta – Giant Orange variety can grow over 3ft tall, with huge 3” blooms.  Great as a cut flower, edible flower, and companion plant.  Red Marietta grows 12-18” tall with bright red and gold 2” flowers.  Deters nematodes and beetles.

Borage -- Borage has bright blue flowers and leaves with the flavor of cucumbers. It is consider an herb, but is often grown as a flower.  It attracts pollinators and is considered a good companion plant for tomatoes, squash and strawberries as a deterrent to worms.   It is said to improve the flavor of tomatoes.

Purple Coneflower (Echinacea) – Beautiful perennial wildflower, known both for its’ beauty, but also for medicinal qualities. 

Herbs:  ($4 each) Each year we try to grow both popular herbs such as basil and dill, as well as a few that are not as common.  If you haven’t had herbs fresh from the garden, you are missing a real treat! 

Basil – Superbo – Genovese variety, great for pesto.  Is said to repel flies and mosquitoes and improves the flavor of tomatoes.

Dill – Fernleaf – Delicate ferny leaves look beautiful in the garden, and taste great in the kitchen!  Also try it as a companion plant for the cabbage family.

Cilantro – Calypso – Another very popular herb.  Best grown in spring and fall.  Useful in salsas and anywhere you want a little extra kick! The Calypso variety is slower to bolt than most others, making it a good variety to grow here where our Spring can be cut short by HEAT.

Stevia, German Thyme, Lemongrass, Spilanthes (Toothache Plant) – We will offer these herbs on a limited basis as they are sometimes difficult to grow from seed, or our seed quantities are limited. 

Tomatoes:  ($5 each) We expand our offering of tomato varieties every year, and this year is no exception!  We love, LOVE tomatoes.

Cherry Tomato – Yellow Pear, Washington Cherry, Red Cherry
Roma type – San Marzano
Hybrid – Better Boy (world record holder for yielding 352lbs of tomatoes from a single plant!)
Heirloom – German Pink (Slow Food Ark of Taste), Persimmon, Beefsteak, Striped German, Cherokee Purple, Hillbilly, Arkansas Traveler

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